Thursday, October 4, 2012

Raised Lettering Wall Canvas

I have some funky projects from college and I was at a loss of what to do with them because they didn't seem to fit my current decor scheme. My home has very muted colors...grays, white, off white, light green, etc. My art projects are the complete opposite. They have no color scheme. No structure. They're wild and crazy! Some would say my "creative" projects look like they got gang banged by crayola (Pinterest readers should recognize this, if not, check out THIS).

AND I really really like to recycle uses for things I already have. You'll discover that if you stick with this blog long enough. So, why not create another project...

First, I had to decide what I wanted to write. I wanted it to be meaningful, inspirational and applicable to marriage. I got out my  Bible and found the section in Ephesians about the role of a husband and wife and picked out some lines. I got my area ready; cleaned of the old canvases, plugged in my glue gun and got lots of extra glue sticks, grabbed a pillow for my rump.
* For future reference be sure to grab a ruler and pencil to mark even lines on the canvas and pre-script what you're going to write. I was crunched with a time bomb anytime detonation sleeping baby.

Now, go over your scripted lines with the hot glue gun. Take your time. I got a little antsy. There will be little webs of glue everywhere. Don't worry we'll take care of it later, but do try to keep the words as clean as possible. It will save you time.

Let it dry. Take a dry paint brush and wipe the canvas. This will help clean of the webs of glue (don't use your husbands nice paint brush or he may yell at you!) Check over the canvas and pull any loose webs that didn't come off. This is an extremely important part. The get out your paint and paint away. two coats is best. I think white looks great!
And there's your trash to treasure :)

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