Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How to make baby food

This is so easy I'm doing it more! At first the idea of making my own baby food was slightly overwhelming, but once I tried it I actually had fun.

I used apples this time, but you can use a variety of different fruits and vegetables. Some suggestions would be sweet potatoes, carrots or pears. These are typically safe for babies first foods. The professionals say introduce new foods to baby one at a time and allow 3 days before you try the next food. This makes it easier to identify allergies.
How to make baby food:
Any type of apples will do. I did two different kinds. First wash the apples and then peel them. Want to learn how check out my post "How to peel an apple". Cut apples into chunks. Quarter each apple. Cut out the core and then cut each quarter in half. This should give you 8 chunks per apple.
Put apples in a pot. Add a cup of water for every 4 pounds of apples. I did a half recipe and only used 1/2 cup of water. Now sprinkle a small amount of cinnamon. You don't need much. Bring to boil then bring temperature to low and allow to simmer for 30 minutes.

Allow this to cool(side note: if you don't the top of your blender will pop off and make a huge mess. Don't believe me..try it!). To speed up the process pour contents in a bowl and put into the fridge. Once cooled add contents into a blender, food processor, bullet etc. Add in sections. I added mine in three parts.
I grabbed my little test monkey to see how it turned out. From the looks of it I'd say it's a hit!

For storage pour applesauce into an ice tray. My half recipe filled two ice trays. Freeze them. Once they are frozen, remove them from the ice trays and put them into a plastic bag. Label with contents and date.

Recipe altered from SmittenKitchen

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