Monday, August 27, 2012

To be or not to be....that is the question.

There's always hard decisions to be made in motherhood. For example, this morning Miss Juliet was struggling to take her nap. As soon as she went down I realized her nails need to be cut. For all you mothers out there, you know the best time to cut your kids nails is when they are sleeping, but there is always the chance of stirring them from their slumber. Mmm...tough choice.

 Cut the kids nails with the potential issue of awaking the screaming beast from her slumber.
OR, opt out on the trim and let her sleep with the reality she may wake up looking like Scarface.

I chose option A and thank goodness she is still snoozing away!

Motherhood is sacrificial. During pregnancy your youth is sucked from your bones into your child's. During labor your disfigured. In the process of child rearing you pour your energy, resources and time into your child. If there is one thing that becomes self evident it is ones own selfish nature. I've  mopped myself off the floor several times in self pity. What about my career? I want a no-stop road trip again! Can I get just an HOUR of my OWN time? I want a shower! Will there every be silence again? I'd like to wear clothes without taking into consideration are they easy open! I want to spend time with adults at parties instead of nursing in the back room! On and On. BUT, even in these moments I'll hear her soft rustling, awakening from her nap and I'm all too happy to hold and feed her. She is near and dear to me, but motherhood does not come without it's challenges.

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