Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pondering from the Porcelain

I had an epiphany. Sitting on the toilet. Yes, I know this is graphic but that's where bright ideas come...there and the shower. Anyways, I was sitting on the toilet doing my thing, thinking about Miss Juliet's earlier diaper catastrophe when it hit me that all that I am is all thanks to my mother (and some dad of course).  Hang with me here. My ability to talk, walk and use the toilet are all thanks to the patient and helpful instruction of my mother. All of it. I suddenly had a greater appreciation for my mom. You know those moments you wished you would have realized sooner and thinking back to the unappreciative teen years you began to feel really bad, that's me there.

I just wanted to say thanks mom! To all mom's for that matter. You are appreciated and loved. I think Meg Meeker says it perfectly in her book "The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers". She states,

      " The truth is, you are worth more than you can imagine. I don't care if you you
feel like a lousy mom or you are fabulous. Whether you're a workaholic who feels like 
she never sees her kids or a stay-at-home mom who feels unappreciated, you are woefully
 misguided in your are not a failure. But you feel like one. I can confidently
 say this because, as a pediatrician, my job is to watch you and keep your kids healthy.
 And when I see them, I see kids who love their moms. I see how your kids look at you,
 hang on to your knees, and hold your hand. I see you more akin to how they see you- as
 a woman who is needed, loved and cherished."
Motherhood is no easy job. I'm realizing that now. The tables have turned full circle and I am realizing the sacrifices my mom made. The dreams she had to put on hold, the parties she missed breast feeding in the back room, the outfits she burned after a diaper spillage, the frumpy mom look after those rough 3 night feedings and seeing people you haven't seen for a while in the store ("Really, I don't look like this, it's been a rough night" "Really sister, I couldn't tell by side pony and your boob still hanging out of your shirt"), answering the door and realizing you haven't pulled your shirt down or your not wearing pants (I cannot name the amount of times of done this one), forgetting to eat until 2pm, never enjoying a shower so much in my life (It's the one place that's quite and that I can be free of crotch and boob pads and the stench of milk). Side note, Husbands if you can give your wife anything in the day. Take the baby and allow her to take a long shower. It'll make her feel human again.
All this to say thank you mom's. You are needed! You are loved! You are appreciated! Your sacrifices do not go unnoticed...sometimes it just takes your kids 26 years and a baby of their own to get the picture. Love you mom!
My mom Lacy with her first grandchild, my daughter Juliet

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