Thursday, August 30, 2012

Til Death Do We Part.

Marriage is challenging. People change and adapt.

I remember when my husband and I first got married I wanted to do everything in my power to maintain a strong and healthy relationship between us. I read books prior to marriage about marriage. We read books together after marriage about marriage.

I once heard a sermon about tracking your history with God. This pastor said that it was important to keep track of where God has taken you in life, the prayers he's answered and the miracles he's worked in your life. He personally wrote all this down in his Bible. He had a page where he wrote prayer requests. When they were answered he would make note of it. Also, when God spoke to him through a verse he would also make not of it next to the verse. Thus, you could flip through this mans Bible and tangibly see how God had worked in his life.

There are moments or experiences in life that you think you will never forget, but as a wise proverb goes "The palest ink is better than the sharpest memory".

I wanted this type of "history" with my husband. So we created a notebook that houses our memories together. We started on the 4 hour drive to our honeymoon destination. We wrote about our wedding, who was there, what we enjoyed most. Then we wrote about each day on our honeymoon, what we did, where we went etc. We still write in it to this day (2 years and a baby later) about special trips we go on or huge markers in our life.

One day when times are rough and we have a hard time loving or understand in one another we can flip through those pages and maybe fall in love again. OR if things maintain their status qua we can read them together for fun and share (some of them) with our kids.

Although this book is stashed away in a drawer and taken our for special occasion we also try to do a visible reminder of how we appreciate one another. In our bathroom on the medicine cabinet we each have a little pocket (labeled "10 Things I Love About My Life w/ You") with pieces of paper in them. Ten total. When Jon does something that blows me away, makes my heart feel warm and my spirit grateful I write it down and put the date. It's a way he can feel affirmed. It's also a good way I can remember what a blessing he is in my life.



Here's an example for why I LOVE THIS MAN......

Purchase at Micheal's or you can make your own :)

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