Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Help! I'm a NEW mom!

As a new mother I have received TONS of stuff. Stuff I thought I needed. Stuff like three different white noise makers, electric and hand held breast pump, 4 different play mats and a ridiculous amount of baby clothes. So, I decided to create a list of things that I have actually used so that when my friends have babies I know what to buy them. Mind you this list is applicable for children 0-3 months. Also, I am slightly a minimalist and hate clutter so this is bare bones.

Large Burp Clothes: The ones I have are very simple. They are 2 x 2 feet with surged edges. Most mothers could easily make these from home without much sewing experience. They are great because they can fully cover you for burping messes, can be used for discrete breast feeding or even a blanket. I love them!

Small Blanket: The one Miss Juliet has is called "Little Giraffe". It is only 1 x 1. When I first saw this blanket I thought "what the heck am I going to use this for"? Let me tell you it's perfect to lay over her in her car seat and in her bassinet. Love this item!

Rock N' Play: They sell them at Target! And they're cheap! Juliet has slept in this every night since she was an infant. It's elevated towards the head, which gives a mom nervous about SIDS an easier nights rest. It's legs allow you to easily rock your child. Also, if you travel this item is fantastic.  Juliet will be going on he third camp out this weekend. It's easily snaps to a compact size for travel!

Mittens: Baby nails are so sharp and if you have a child who is constantly clawing at her face slip a pair of these one. Also sold at Target in two packs.

Nursing Cover: If you have to nurse in public and feel uncomfortable about it you need a nursing cover. A blanket does not work! Learn from my experience. Having once tried the snazzy blanket trick I promised never to go back. It was an embarrassing, revealing, squirting wet wonder. Buy a cover with boning. I purchased mine at a second hand store and gave it a quick wash and it works great.

Carrier: Buy some sort of body carrier. I personally have a Hotsling and Baby Bjorn. Juliet LOVED the Hotsling as a newborn because it kept her close, snuggled tight and bouncing as I walked around the house (doesn't allow much movement for right arm though). We are still getting used to the Bjorn. I've also heard Moby wraps are great. There are tons...find one right for you. Borrow a friends before you purchase because you can spend a fortune.

Monitor: It doesn't have to be fancy. If you like to go outside while baby is napping and do projects (like me) this helps. It allows you to have piece of mind that baby is still slumbering away while you're working in the garden. Saves a lot of time checking up on the baby.

First Aid Kit (for babies): Handy to have. You will be using the nail clippers on a regular basis. It's crazy how sharp they are and how fast they grow. Clip while they are sleeping :)

Nightgowns w/ built in mittens: These are just nice and convenient  because mittens sometime tend to come off. You'll see a little pocket on the end of the sleeve that is meant to be folded over (kinda like a sandwich bag). Keep baby scratch free!

Swing: Not a must, but when your second comes around you'll be begging for the second set of hands.

I did not include common sense items (diapers, wipes, and clothes) and this isn't an all inclusive list, just some items I have come to love. I hope this helps! I wish I had a list like this when I first had Juliet! PLEASE add to the list of you have found other helpful items...

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