Friday, July 6, 2012

Why GoodWordGoodWine?

My father once said to me "Emily, you're good at everything but you're not great at anything." After overcoming my initial shock and defeat I scraped together what confidence I had left off the floor I realized he was RIGHT! That was a humbling, but defining moment in my life.

I've always loved new experiences: people, places, foods, fades etc. I familiarize myself with everything. Let's take sports for example, I would try out a sport and become good, but never exceptionally great. Why? Maybe I'm mediocre. Or just bored.  I'm still trying to figure that one out.

So, I decided to start a blog, but what to write about with my unique lack of narrowed passion. Well, just that. I'll start a blog about EVERYTHING. Which goes against EVERYTHING I've ever learned. As a business major this goes against all business sense. In order to be successful one needs to find a niche market and stick with it. And there is no such thing as a niche in everything.

Maybe EVERYTHING is a little broad, but I do know a thing or two about me. Currently, I'm newly married, just bought my first home and just had a baby. These all came with their own unique challenges. Thus, I hope to somehow reach an audience that is in a similar phase of life as I am. Hopefully you can learn from me or I from you :)

A blog about EVERTHING is difficult to name. Yes, I could use my name. Blah! Boring! After a few days thought I decided on GoodWordGoodWine, which is a women's group I created a few years back. The purpose is to develop lasting relations with a small group of women (8-10). This group would serve as support during the many transitions in life such a marriage, moving, babies, jobs etc. It was also developed to strengthen these women emotionally, relationally, spiritually and physically. EUREKA! Everything I want for a blog.

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading backwards in your posts. I'm wondering why you no longer post? I write a blog about nothing and yet I still post. Come on, you are such an entertaining again.
